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Enhancing LMS Search Efficiency: Totara TXP Best Practices

Written by Georgi D. | Jun 6, 2024 9:19:25 AM

In today's digital landscape, efficient content discovery is crucial for maintaining user engagement on any Learning Management System (LMS) or in a further sense any Talent Experience Platform. If users struggle to find the information they need, they may abandon the platform altogether. Despite its critical importance, search efficiency is often overlooked. Totara TXP, one of the leading learning experience platforms, offers robust search capabilities that can significantly enhance user experience and drive better outcomes when properly optimized. In this post, we’ll explore best practices for enhancing the search efficiency in Totara TXP to ensure your users can easily access the content they seek. Let us investigate some best practices and some new options for a better user experience!

The Basics

  • Totara’s Catalog is the cornerstone of any LMS search functionality. It organizes all available courses, resources, and learning paths, making it easier for users to find what they need. In Totara TXP, an efficiently organized catalog can significantly enhance search results. Key points are:

    • Make sure your catalog is well-structured. How many results are shown initially? How do the results look like? Consider incorporating essential information alongside each content type, such as labels, descriptions, and additional details. Providing comprehensive information enhances user understanding and facilitates informed decision-making when selecting.

    • Featured content? Highlight the most important content by positioning it at the top as featured. This ensures that users see the key resources first, increasing their visibility and engagement.

    • Identify and implement the filters that users will need to effectively find the content they are looking for. This will streamline the search process and help users quickly locate relevant resources. Very often different user groups must see only filters targeted for them. And Totara with its flexibility allows customization in the filter area, showing only filters aimed at different user groups or tenants.

  • Content organization is crucial for efficient search. Totara TXP allows you to use keywords, and tags to make content more searchable. Ensure that each piece of content is properly tagged and includes relevant keywords in descriptions and titles. This practice not only improves search results but also enhances the overall user experience by making content more accessible. And the hidden secret? – Metadata! In Totara, metadata serves as invisible search terms, aiding learners in finding content within the catalog. By adding relevant keywords, synonyms, and variations, administrators expand search coverage. For example, a course titled "The History of Cars" could benefit from terms like "auto," "automobile," and "ottomobile."

  • User experience (UX) is directly impacted by the effectiveness of the search functionality. In every platform, a user-friendly search interface is essential. Implement intuitive search bars, filters, and sorting options to help users find what they need with minimal effort. An example would be prefiltered search for the users, using them on dashboards, main menu links or directly above the search bar on the catalog page. A seamless UX can lead to higher engagement and satisfaction, encouraging users to return to the platform regularly and done right, you might not need any of the topics bellow.

Read more about successfully implementing an LMS here >>>

Extended Search Engine Options with Totara TXP

The evolution of each platform, which usually concludes with growing user numbers and growing content offering, is the further enhancement of the search experience. And not so many learning management platforms offer so much flexibility for adding the much-needed optimization and enhanced discoverability.

  • Apache SOLR is an open-source search platform that offers powerful full-text search capabilities. Integrating SOLR with Totara TXP can enhance search performance by providing fast and accurate results. SOLR's advanced features, such as faceting and filtering, allow users to refine their searches and find specific content quickly. It also supports complex search queries, making it ideal for large and diverse content libraries.

  • Elasticsearch (AWS) or Azure Search are a highly scalable search engine known for its speed and flexibility. When deployed on AWS or integrated with Azure Search, it can handle large volumes of data and provide near-instant search results. For Totara TXP users, Elasticsearch offers robust indexing and real-time search capabilities. It supports various search types, including full-text, structured, and unstructured searches, making it a versatile option for enhancing LMS search functionality.

  • Algolia, as an alternative to Elasticsearch, is a search-as-a-service platform that delivers fast and relevant search results. Its API-first approach allows for easy integration with Totara TXP. Algolia's features, such as typo tolerance, instant search, and dynamic ranking, improve the search experience by making it more user-friendly and efficient. With Algolia, Totara TXP can offer a responsive search interface that meets users' expectations for speed and accuracy.

At LearnChamp, we view the integration of such advanced search engines as an evolutionary step in most instances. While it undoubtedly brings complexity, it also presents an opportunity for growth. However, successful implementation demands meticulous planning, thorough testing, and ongoing refinement.

The AI Options for Enhanced Search in Totara TXP

Before moving to the examples, think about:

  • Do you have strict data protection policies? Are they covered in this case?

  • If you are in a business area with special regulatory rules, would it comply with them?

  • How much of better user experience will the AI feature bring to the solution? If it is a minimal one, does it cover the efforts?

  • “Do we need it only because of the hype around everything AI, or we have real-life scenario?”

If everything is fine, let us see some options:

  • Chatbot as a Search Option? Incorporating a chatbot into Totara TXP can revolutionize the search experience. An AI-powered chatbot can assist users in finding content by understanding natural language queries and providing relevant results. This interactive search option can make the process more engaging and intuitive, especially for users who prefer conversational interfaces over traditional search bars. Chatbots can also offer personalized recommendations based on user behavior and preferences, enhancing the overall learning experience. The good news is that there are some good AI-based chatbots, which you can easily integrate with Totara and adapt to your requirements. The bad news is that a private AI-cloud based chatbot would not be so easy to integrate if you do not have a private cloud for this purpose.

  • The Custom Enhanced AI Search Engine? A custom AI search engine tailored to Totara TXP can leverage machine learning algorithms to improve search accuracy and relevance. By analyzing user interactions and search patterns, the AI engine can learn to deliver more precise results over time. Features such as predictive search, contextual understanding, and personalized content recommendations can significantly boost search efficiency. Implementing a custom AI search engine can transform how users interact with the LMS, making it a more intelligent and responsive platform. There are some good products on the market, providing meaningful solutions (and their prize can vary, depending on features, scalability, and support), but the most important part is the readiness to fit your expectations that such engine needs time to learn from your user base to provide the results you are looking for.

If you stumbled upon this blog post via Google search, you've experienced firsthand the critical relationship between a search engine and its content. It's proof that for everything to function seamlessly, they must complement each other perfectly. Conversely, if you found it through an AI search engine, consider yourself fortunate. However, the process isn't always flawless during the indexing phase, and some results may seem amusing as these AI tools continue to evolve.


While your LMS (whether it's TXP or LXP) isn't Google or OpenAI, you still can provide meaningful search options for your audience within the platform. By prioritizing the basics — catalog organization, content optimization, and user experience — you establish a solid foundation for effective search functionality. Choosing to incorporate advanced technologies requires careful consideration. If the circumstances favor implementation and you have the right partner to execute it, it can lead to a significant revolution in user experience for everyone on your platform. By embracing these best practices and advanced solutions, you unlock the full potential of Totara TXP’s search capabilities.

An efficient search function not only enhances user satisfaction but also boosts engagement and facilitates better learning outcomes. Remember, optimizing search functionality isn't just a feature —it's a fundamental aspect of an effective Learning Management System, essential for keeping users engaged and successfully utilizing the platform.

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